
Once your mod is created and tested, the very last step remains - to publish it. Fortunately, we have tried our best to make this process simple and fast for you! Before you jump straight to mod publishing, make sure you have prepared a description and all the required media content for publication. Below you find a link to a document that contains all the necessary requirements.

Media content requirements

If you have everything ready, it is high time to start!

Before publishing

Before publishing a mod, you need to fill in some data, including the name, general description, item description, etc. so that we know exactly how to display your mod in the game. To do this, we have developed special types of assets, called manifests, so that you can easily customize your mod. All types of manifests are created through the Content Browser context menu from the Hellsplit Workbench section.


Hellsplit Mod Manifest

This is the first, mandatory and the most important manifest, in which you should indicate the friendly name of your mod and its description. Without this manifest it will be impossible to pack you mod.

<aside> 💡 Starting from the current update, the Hellsplit Mod Manifest is created automatically when you create a mod. If you created your mod before the release of the current version of Hellsplit: Workbench, you will need to create a manifest manually.



Field Type Descriptions Notes
Name Required Friendly name of the mod
Description Optional Description of the mod
Author Optional Name of the mod’s author
ModURL Optional The mod’s web site
Screenshots Optional Screenshots of the mod Format: 16:9. You should import images to the mod’s content folder as texture assets before you can set them as screenshots.
It’s recommend to set the next properties for your texture assets:

Hellsplit Mod Campaign Manifest

This manifest describes the new campaign created for the game Hellsplit: Arena. If you are making your own company, it is necessary to create this manifest to include a description of the campaign in it.

<aside> 💡 How a campaign differs from a training map:
